Thyme Natural Market & Cafe w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThyme Natural Market & Cafe



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81-22, Lefferts Boulevard, 11415, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-847-0535
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7090485, Longitude: -73.8304763

komentarze 5

  • Julia ML

    Julia ML


    Small but well stocked organic and natural foods market. Juice bar is great.

  • AdT Bike & Skate Shop

    AdT Bike & Skate Shop


    Natalie is carrying on the legacy of a wonderful independently owned health food store and natural kitchen. Support this fantastic local business and others like them!

  • Perilous Moo

    Perilous Moo


    Their selection of items is weird and they are certainly expensive, but the staff is wonderful and friendly and helpful. They'll order something for you if they can.

  • Jackie



    Despite their steep prices, I would regularly shop at this store. One day, I went in the store to purchase some food items. I came across a turmeric healing balm. The price on the jar read $15.99. It was a very tiny bottle but I had just had a C-section and was looking for anything to help with scar tissue pain that I was having. Anyway, I went up to the counter to pay for my stuff and the cashier scanned the balm but it was coming up at $21.95. He called over the owner of the store and told him what was going on. The owner said in a nasty voice, "If it scans as $21.95 then that is what the price is". He didn't even acknowledge THEIR mistake. He made it seem more like I changed the price tag myself. No apology, nothing. I've never been back to that stupid store since

  • Aaron Garrison

    Aaron Garrison


    A wonderful market. I visited Thyme while vacationing in the Queens area, and it proved to be my go-to for food. There, I found a pleasing selection of fresh organic foods and drinks, plus quality supplements and other healthy goodies -- certainly not your average NYC bodega, this place. Likewise, the staff I interacted with were friendly, courteous, and professional; when my cashier once neglected to bag an avocado I'd bought, all I had to do was call back, and my missing avocado was gladly returned, without issue (and with a smile, even). I had no issues with Thyme Market, and returned several times during my stay (and, if ever in Queens again, I'd likely go back again). All in all, excellent! My sincere thanks goes out to all associated with this business. I am grateful for, and have benefited from, your work and service. Keep it up, friends!

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