ThunderStone & Tile i Fairview

Forenede StaterThunderStone & Tile



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166, Sedore Avenue, 07022, Fairview, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-943-2555
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Latitude: 40.8198725, Longitude: -74.0073675

kommentar 5

  • Lovely3



    Horrible customer service there are 2 tile shops next to each other and the only spot available was inside their empty store and a representative came running outside not to park there if I was also planning to visit the next store. Needless to say both stores are right next to each other and don’t have any specific sign for parking. Just for this I didn’t even bother wanting to do business with them. Instead of running to invite me to there store they made me run from them.

  • en



    Very helpful great prices

  • en



    So kind regardless of order quantity

  • Gustavo Guerra

    Gustavo Guerra


    Nice people working there, give you some ideas about what you need!

  • mike r

    mike r


    Bought tiles here for my apartment renovation, had a great experience. Roberto is very knowledgeable and took time to explain specifics about the tiles, the price was great and delivery on time. Im definitely buying tiles here next time.

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