Thunderbird Heating And Cooling w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneThunderbird Heating And Cooling


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

12420, Timberland Boulevard, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-601-1004
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.952398, Longitude: -97.282623

komentarze 5

  • James Simmons

    James Simmons


    I've used Thunderbird Heating And Cooling severally and they've always done a great job. We have them come out for annual maintenance to make sure everything is in working order. Our technician this time was Ben. He was knowledgeable, very helpful and friendly. He looked the system over and let us know that everything was in great shape.I recommend you give them a call and ask for Ben.

  • Stephen Garza

    Stephen Garza


    My heat went out sometimes back, I called Thunderbird Heating And Cooling and they responded promptly. Then this summer my entire 21yr old system needed replaced.Thunderbird Heating And Cooling not only gave me a great price and service, but also a credit back from the part I had replaced on the heater months before. Very much above and beyond. Thanks guys.

  • Maria Lynch

    Maria Lynch


    We found the team from Thunderbird Heating And Cooling to be excellent both before and during the installation of a new furnace. We appreciated the follow-up visit once the task was completed. Ben and his colleague installed the furnace efficiently and left the basement spotless upon completion. He solved the immediate problem with the exhaust quickly and neatly. We highly recommend Thunderbird Heating And Cooling.

  • Deborah Reed

    Deborah Reed


    Ben did a great job installing our heat pump for our basement finishing project. I would have thought that they would have had to cut some holes in the drywall to get everything connected to the outside. But they were very conscientious, did not leave a mess, consulted me several times throughout the installation to make sure that I was happy with their decisions.I highly recommend Thunderbird Heating And Cooling company.

  • Marie Black

    Marie Black


    Excellent guys. We had such a wonderful experience working with them. It was our first time calling them for assistance and we are grateful for the service they delivered. Very reliable, affordable, and personable people. They installed our new furnace and AC smoothly and even went ahead and cleaned up everything. Thanks to Ben and Thunderbird Heating And Cooling for such wonderful experience.

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