Thomas Taft Salon w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThomas Taft Salon



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1418, 2nd Avenue, 10021, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-879-1706
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7697427, Longitude: -73.9572096

komentarze 5

  • Amy Parise

    Amy Parise


    I went in for a Keratin treatment and balayage - both of which I was EXTREMELY disappointed with. The Keratin treatment (which I have done many times in the past) did nothing to reduce my frizz - if anything it made it worse. The color is where it gets really bad. After leaving the first appointment with literally no change in my color (after 3 hours of processing) I decided to give her another shot (because she was very nice) however I should have never returned. My hair ended up 4 different colors and was so bad I could not even go to work the next day. They offered to "tone" it however I knew that would not fix the problem - I was also confirmed by the stylist who ended up fixing my hair that a toner would not have been the solution. I needed to have my hair completely redone - including the keratin. What's worse? They REFUSED to give me any refund. This is absolutely insane in terms of customer service and I would caution anyone who cares about their hair to go here.

  • Alexpitaa



    We got to this place at the UES to ask for the price of a men’s hair cut. They told us that the minimum price was 45$, but they didn’t have availability. Then the lady told us to hold on for; a second lady came and looked at us in a very weird way. They looked at the screen for a couple seconds without saying anything, we were waiting right there and suddenly they looked at us again in very disrespectful way and said: NO! It seemed like she didn’t want to cut the hair for 45$. You should treat all your customers or future customers in a better way. You never know who is he person who you are talking to. Thank you anyways! Bad service!!!

  • Denise Kopasz

    Denise Kopasz


    Great place to go for consistent and creative styling. Love when things are consistent and you always get what you go for. Stylist really listen and are well trained.

  • Rachel Black

    Rachel Black


    Love Thomas Taft, Melyssa, and Gus, their french bulldog mascot! Melyssa has cut my hair for 15 years, and is one of the best in the biz! Plus the place has a great vibe.

  • HCG Honey

    HCG Honey


    Jessica is super delightful. Full of fun and really Intuitive about hair! I came to her from a fantastic hair salon that I only left because I moved state and I was feeling pretty unsure anyone else would be able to cut my hair like It was being cut. I have curly hair and half a shaved head! the first cut I was super happy... of all the ways it could have gone it went really well! After 2 more cuts and a few tweaks it was exactly how I liked it and I never looked back! I would definitely recommend her, she is vibrant and will always make you feel at home! Xxx

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