The Yoga Tree w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Yoga Tree



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4250, Fremont Avenue North, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-545-0316
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 47.6587369, Longitude: -122.3498748

komentarze 3

  • en

    Anya Beaumont


    The reviews are pretty outdated! I attended class today with Suzanne as the instructor. She was encouraging, patient, and positive. I am 23 and an intermediate yogi and a dancer and it was a level 1-3 class which I found very simple and accessible for all ages, but i could still challenge myself and deepen my practice. Guidance was clear and there was a great community feel to this local studio. The studio is bright and clean. The only thing I would've added is a little background music to keep the calm atmosphere going, but that's based on teacher preference, and maybe other teachers there incorporate music. That's just my personal taste. Overall great local studio, and I will definitely continue my practice at Yogatree

  • Anna Valore

    Anna Valore


    All of the reviews on here are pretty old so here is a current one: I've practiced yoga in the Seattle area on and off for about six years. I am not super experienced student but I have visited lots of studios and I am familiar with most of the positions. The Yoga Tree has become my second favorite studio (Two Dog Yoga in Lake City will always be my #1). I've taken classes with Jessica, Erica, Laura and Rachel. All of these women have been supportive and clear in their instruction. I never felt pushed past my comfort zone though I do like to give new positions a try. It is near a busy road but it is also a very convenient so for me that is a reasonable trade-off. I really like this studio and I look forward to attending many more classes.

  • en

    Betsy B


    I love The Yoga Tree and think it's an amazing yoga studio .... Honestly, I love it. I've taken classes in several studios in town and all over the world and Yogatree's teachers are so above and beyond. Seriously. The Yoga Tree is just such a special place - the vibe and the instruction is the best I've ever experienced. I've been attending classes for over a year and it's made a really big difference in the quality of my life. Huge Thank-you's for providing such an amazing haven in Fremont. I love it and so does everyone else, from what I can tell ...

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