The Wilde Collection w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Wilde Collection



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1446, Yale Street, 77008, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-931-1904
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Latitude: 29.797883, Longitude: -95.398854

komentarze 5

  • Destiny Juarez

    Destiny Juarez


    They are highly rated for a reason. This is such a neat little place! I loved every bit of it and will definitely be back. The staff was super knowledgeable, polite, and did not bother anyone unless they wanted to be bothered. Every oddity, taxidermy, and piece of jewelry was such a treat to see. The prices aren’t bad at all, and their shirt designs are dope af. The only thing I didn’t like was the parking, but there’s only so much you can do in that area. Definitely check this place out with your friends!

  • Viv Rosenrott

    Viv Rosenrott


    Loved the place ♡ wasn't looking for it but the outside and parked vehicle which I assume belongs to the owner caught me attention. It is definitely a place I want to visit again! I want to see the outside part:) I'm honestly still freaked out by the dreams I keep having since I went.

  • Christopher Dols

    Christopher Dols


    Are you on the hunt for the odd, strange or just bizarre? This is a must stop if you are in Houston Texas. There is something for everyone at this great house if oddities. This is definitely a place I will return to if I get back to Houston. Thank you too the owners and staff of the Wilde Collection for a great time at your store!!!

  • RoniverDoggo —

    RoniverDoggo —


    Amazing place! I was truly blown away by their selection, and the staff was wonderful too

  • P E P S I T O S H M I N U S

    P E P S I T O S H M I N U S


    This is my favorite place I recently discovered in Houston! When my family/friends visit from Canada or when I want to take my college friends somewhere interesting, this is at the top of the list of places to go. It reminds me of Mary Poppins' handbag as it looks small and inconspicuous from the outside but the inside is huge and full of things one wouldn't expect! It is spooky and contains haunted things and mysterious oddities behind glass cases. You really have to go there to get the experience and truly feel the ambience... words and descriptions do not capture what I'm trying to convey. I have been there three times already and it never gets old! Highly recommend for lovers of the macabre and occult!

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