The Westin Denver Downtown i Denver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Westin Denver Downtown



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1672, Lawrence Street, 80202, Denver, Denver County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 303-572-9100
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.7488741, Longitude: -104.9955265

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alexandra Taylor


    Great location. Great customer service. This will definitely be our go-to Denver hotel from now on. Spend the extra money on the terrace room. It's worth every penny.

  • Tim Davis

    Tim Davis


    If you are looking for a place for a weekend getaway this is the place. The Weston is located right on the 16th Street Mall in Downtown Denver. You are a few short blocks from Union Station, Denver Center of the Performing Arts, and even Coors Stadium. Lots of shops and places to eat right outside the door. Easy access to the interstate as well. The staff at the Westin are well trained, knowledgeable, and very friendly. All the amenities that one would expect at fine hotel are at your disposal.

  • Mark Rochester

    Mark Rochester


    Was here on business and found the whole place surprisingly good. The staff were helpful and very nice on check-in, even upgraded the room too which was nice. The layout is that of a normal city hotel making it more level based than spread out, but navigating was easy. The rooms are nicely turned out. When staying in Denver I don't think you can past this hotel.

  • Nina Lyon Bennett

    Nina Lyon Bennett


    Excellent experience...from check in to check out. Nicole Henderson's customer service was phenomenal. The beds do indeed sleep heavenly & the food...fantastic. great location...easy access to everything. Thanks Nicole for your exceptional, outstanding, smile-inducing, welcoming service! Your note made my day & I will carry with as a reminder.

  • en

    AJ 2018


    Stayed here twice so far and the staff is extremely friendly. They even upgraded us from a double queen room to a double king room on one of the upper floors. It made our stay even better. The rooms are incredible and spacious. We didn't want to leave! Love how close this hotel is to a bunch of restaurants and shops in downtown Denver.

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