The Wedding Planner Omaha, LLC w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Wedding Planner Omaha, LLC



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5013a, Underwood Avenue, 68132, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-510-2241
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2646575, Longitude: -95.9910743

komentarze 2

  • en

    Jasmine Agraba


    Vernetta is the best! We had a beautiful wedding at the Magnolia in Omaha and Vernetta was with us every step of the way. I spent the morning taking care of my bridesmaids and my looks while she ran around transforming the courtyard into a magical rose garden. The tables were beautifully decorated with every detail we had discussed, she sent someone to pick up my wedding desserts and had all the presents and decorations delivered to my house the same evening. The only thing I had to worry about was getting married. Be prepared, once you have Vernetta as your planner, you will want to have her as a friend because she is also extremely kind and thoughtful. I feel honored to have had her at my wedding and yes, her hard work is worth every penny.

  • Barb Shoemaker

    Barb Shoemaker


    We were so happy we had chosen Vernetta. We used her for my daughter's wedding for day before and day of ceremony. Vernetta was very knowledgeable of vendors and had great ideas and suggestions. She was invaluable the night before (as we hired her to also help with rehearsal dinner) at the church and the day of the wedding with all the logistics. She makes sure what you want- happens. She is encouraging and talented at what she does with event planning. It's exhausting doing what she does and she never slowed down. She was a great help and support. As MOB I was able to enjoy the time with family and friends instead of worrying what was next. I knew Vernetta had it covered!

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