The Washington TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center w Oxon Hill

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Washington TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center



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6420, Bock Road, 20745, Oxon Hill, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-839-0055
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.801637, Longitude: -76.9859548

komentarze 5

  • Curtis Rustin

    Curtis Rustin


    Timely service. Really nice staff. I showed up early and was seen right away before my actual appointment time. Received my TMJ appliance the next day after the initial evaluation. Good work. Good staff.

  • Ernesto Sorto

    Ernesto Sorto


    I could have not envisioned the change in my smile. Glad I trusted Dr. Piontkowski and his team.

  • James O. Brown

    James O. Brown


    I have been a patient of Dr. P for over 30 years. He has provided outstanding dental expertise for me from routine cleaning, to fillings, extractions, crowns, even a recent emergency root canal. His attention to detail and quality finished products is superb. I trust Dr. P with my most urgent and challenging dental procedures.

  • Nicole A Smith

    Nicole A Smith


    I’ve been a patient of Dr. P’s for over 10 years. I thought I was managing my TMJ pain and headaches ok, but once I saw Dr. P I was able to become pain free! My sleep was better, my energy levels improved and my overall whole quality of life improved dramatically. Dr. P is patient, a great listener and really cares for and wants to help his patient’s. He is a true expert in the field and as a physical therapist I highly recommend him to my own patients and to anyone with with TMJ issues.

  • Andy Rogers

    Andy Rogers


    Dr. P is one of the few dentists/doctors remaining out there that actually practice medicine. He doesn't just fix symptoms, he treats problems. It's clear that his goal is to not just fill a cavity and cash a check, but to improve your overall health - whether it's dental, tmj related, sleep related, etc. A rare find today, when most dentists are concerned about their bottom line first and their patients' well-being second. He's attentive, talented, and considerate. He doesn't order unnecessary treatments and he recommends the fastest and least intrusive treatment plans possible. A+++

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