The Vital Compass w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Vital Compass



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5412, North Williams Avenue, 97217, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 971-373-8378
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.5624959, Longitude: -122.6667458

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bill Brady


    Friendly , knowlegeable staff, good selection, very good prices.

  • Suzanne Dixon

    Suzanne Dixon


    The Vital Compass is THE BEST place in Portland for acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) body work. I often get a combination of acupuncture and Tui-Na, which is very similar to deep tissue massage. I have used herbs off and on, as prescribed by the providers at Vital Compass. All of these approaches - in various combinations or alone - are amazing for dealing with chronic health issues (chronic pain, allergies, insomnia etc). They also offer cupping, gua sha and shiatsu. I've gone to two of the practitioners and they are both fantastic! The practitioners operate on a co-op model, so there is no stress about switching practitioners if your usual person isn't available at a time you need. They share all proceeds equally and their rates are very reasonable. I LOVE this place! They are inclusive, kind, skilled and wonderful Don't wait to make an appointment if you are seeking excellent Chinese Medicine care!

  • Carie Fox

    Carie Fox


    Green is an experienced and inspired health care practitioner--acupuncture, herbs, massage, you name it! She has a rare quality in acupuncturists--she is really good at explaining if you ask. And she has an even more rare quality in people generally--she doesn't overexplain and she listens with complete attention. The place is really nice and the whole business side of the operation is seamless. Great receptionist and nice collegial vibe.

  • Cyd Manro

    Cyd Manro


    Expert herbalists and acupuncturists with great care and attention to detail make this clinic and herbal dispensary a top notch choice.

  • Margo Gilham

    Margo Gilham


    I have been to The Vital Compass 3 times for Medical Massage and acupuncture. My back has been operated on several times and I've had hundreds of procedures over the years to address the pain without great success. Let's just say I was a bit leery but in pain, desperate for help. The staff there has been fantastic, professional and highly knowledgeable about how to treat this sort of complicated chronic pain. They have helped me considerably every time I've been in. In fact I've already referred several friends who deal with chronic pain. It is spotlessly clean, well run and the integrity of the staff there is top notch in my book. The massage therapists and acupuncturists don't even accept tips which I found refreshing! The services are very reasonably priced. I'm positive they will do everything possible to take care of their patient/clients. who come there. Don't believe the other reviews that say this is a bad place, it isn't. It's a wonderful resource for North Portland to have and I am grateful to have found them!

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