The Vintage Bouquet Bar i San Antonio

Forenede StaterThe Vintage Bouquet Bar



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303, Pearl Parkway, 78215, San Antonio, Bexar County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 210-510-8862
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Latitude: 29.4425075, Longitude: -98.479558

kommentar 2

  • en

    Madeleine Paine


    Only two hours before boutique closed I phoned from Stracuse NY to request same day delivery. My brother in SanAntio received his gorgeous and not too feminine birthday bouquet the same day. Jenny is a fantastic floral artist! She is friendly, professional and she takes the extra step to ensure the arrangements complement the situation and recipient.

  • en

    olivia keen


    This shop is PERFECT for the Pearl! They had really reasonably priced vases, interesting teas, and really cute cards! A lot of shops in the area are really pricey so this is a great place to get a thoughtful and unique gift without dropping major bucks. The staff was so sweet and helpful as well, and were available to answer any and all questions I had. I’m really looking forward to trying out one of their floral arrangement classes too!

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