The UPS Store w Congers

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

75, Lake Road, 10920, Congers, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-267-0561
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1488089, Longitude: -73.9375342

komentarze 5

  • Miriam Phillips

    Miriam Phillips


    I was packing up my sister’s house in a neighboring community and strapped for time as I live out of town. It was incredibly helpful that they were willing to pick up stuff that had to be shipped to other family members for a modest fee. Mike and Scott were so helpful on phone to give estimates so we could sort out costs in advance. They ended up coming twice to pick up & were very caring offering advise about other things. I wish this UPS store was closer to where I live!

  • Brandon Roffina

    Brandon Roffina


    New owners at this UPS location and they are great! The manager Scott helped me a pack and ship job and made it extremely easy!

  • Steve



    New ownership at this location goes above and beyond. Worked with Scott and Mike and they were outstanding. This location does a lot of things you may not even realize, don't hesitate to ask.

  • en

    D M


    I have used this business a few times, for either packages, or to have documents notarized, and have yet to find one remotely negative comment to make! The staff are always very friendly, and competent, they ALWAYS greet you, as soon as you walk in, and I find that compared to other businesses offering the same services, that they are very reasonably priced (for BOTH the patrons & staff). After all, the store has bills (rent, utilities), they need to purchase their supplies, and payroll!! All of that money HAS TO come from the money they receive in sales, and hopefully profits! HOWEVER, they have to keep their prices reasonable enough to attract patrons (both old and new), cover their costs to remain open, remain competitive with other similar businesses, keep their staff satisfied, keep US satisfied lol,..... I mean, running a small business (ESPECIALLY in this economy) is not easy. Like my mother "ALWAYS" says... In order to have savings (in this case, profit), you SHOULD be making DOUBLE what YOU'RE SPENDING! BUT.... DON'T SPEND IT! You never know when you'll need it. Moral being.... I think our community UPS Store, is a great business, NO ONE there is EVER RUDE (I imagine, unless YOU'RE being rude to them..) and there has NEVER been a wait!!! All sounds 👍 to me!

  • Zachary Bendji

    Zachary Bendji


    This store is great I had a large piece of artwork to ship and the Manager Scott showed me step by step how they would securely pack and ship my artwork. Highly recommend this store

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