The UPS Store w Wyckoff

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



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637, Wyckoff Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-848-1008
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0113366, Longitude: -74.17305

komentarze 4

  • Wyckoff UPS Store

    Wyckoff UPS Store


    John- I am sorry you feel that way. My employee explained that with the more copies the price becomes cheaper just like if you were to buy any single product the price is more than if you go to Costco and buy in bulk. Computer Fee is a standard charge at any store you go to including staples, which you need to use a credit card to even get on to. If you asked to speak with the manager or owner we could have discussed your options and why prices are what they are at certain copy amounts. Our color copy prices go as low as .39. If you were to ask our regular customers or even the new ones over the last 3 years you would understand our prices are better than staples, and customer service goes above and beyond most stores.

  • John T

    John T


    If you are looking to pay a $2.50 computer fee before you pay .99/copy for 8.5x11 color printing on standard paper, then this is your destination. When I mentioned to the clerk that this was double the rate available (and with no 'computer' fee), he simply said, 'well, go there instead'. He didn't care. The UPS store in Franklin Lakes quoted me .65/copy. Never going back to this location.

  • adam hawkinson

    adam hawkinson


    I am the owner, and first of all I am sorry you had an unpleasant experience, however my employee mentioned that he was going to repack your item due to the fact your box was not a proper shipping box. After printing your shipping label he mentioned what your total was which included your new box and packing. After coming back into the store if you were unhappy with the price you could have explained your point of view without cursing at my employee. When the manager stepped in since you were upset he then explained the reason to you for future shipments so you would not be caught off guard. If you were still unhappy we would have gladly returned your item to ship elsewhere. If you would like to discuss matters further feel free to come in and talk to me personally.

  • Daniel Edwards

    Daniel Edwards


    Rip off. If they are going to charge for a box and charge you for putting the item in the box they should at least tell you the charge up front. $4 for a box and $3.50 to tape it shut os a rip off. Dont take it up with management because they dont care. Just go to fedex.

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