The UPS Store w Oradell

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



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297, Kinderkamack Road, 07649, Oradell, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-261-2200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9508387, Longitude: -74.0325461

komentarze 5

  • Sylvia Camaj

    Sylvia Camaj


    This has to be one of best UPS top stores in the country. So Helpful, friendly and fast. Never a line. I would never again abuse myself by going to USPS again, even if I have packages to ship with their label because this location takes those too. They will also tape the box for you and affix the label unlike Fedex who will make you buy tape. I wish every mundane errand experience was as enjoyable as this one is every time.

  • en

    Diane Leven


    I don't even want to give this location 1 star. I have been trying to resolve a lost package issue since September 2017. After tons of phone calls and emails with both the owner Melissa Luton and the store employee Scott it has still not been resolved according to the store as of 1/4/18. These representatives of UPS were really not interested in resolving my issue and on several occasions told me they were too busy or would call me back and did not return the calls. Today I spoke with UPS corporate and they advised me that they resolved my claim in November 2017 and the store should have contacted me and returned my money. UPS Corporate for retail locations is now contacting the store and advising them to return my money.

  • Sky Friend

    Sky Friend


    I just met with Jon who is the manager. I had a great experience dealing with him! Honest, helpfull and eager to point me in the right directions. He will defiantly be seeing me again.

  • Tanaz Mody

    Tanaz Mody


    The store isn't as busy as other UPS Stores. The staff is helpful and they always have enough equipment to get my boxes out.

  • en

    David Wilinsky


    I would trust Melissa and her team at the Oradell UPS store with any of my packages or shipping needs, Friendly, honest and easy to work with.

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