The UPS Store w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



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228, East Route 59, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-624-3844
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0952492, Longitude: -74.0015355

komentarze 5

  • Gen Z Lounge For the Next Generation

    Gen Z Lounge For the Next Generation


    We use this store for our company mailbox and they have always alerted us immediately when a package comes in. They are always respectful and attentive to our questions. The lines can get long, but you can be sure they will take care of you.

  • Alfred Carnevale

    Alfred Carnevale


    Don't waste your time at this place. Go to the main distribution hub or arrange for pickup at your home.

  • en

    Judith Benoit


    Do NOT use UPS (Store) to ship your packages! We paid for 3 day delivery, one attempt at delivery was made and recipient was not home. No additional attempt was made (also there is a management company there that receives packages). Package was sent to a UPS "access" location. This requires you to call, find the location. You then have to determine their hours and take off work to go there and only learn, package not there. UPS tracking system online is terrible! Doesn't tell you access location or how long it will be kept there. It's been over 2 weeks, couldn't locate it, just went to the Nanuet store it was shipped from and was told it is in a different location "near" the recipient! They refused to give a refund because it was "delivered" just not to the actual recipient! Terrible business UPS! Will forever stick with the US Postal service!

  • en

    Manju Mathew


    If you can help it, go to the Congers one. I have never spoke to such rude people before. They've been holding on to my package for over a week and still have not shipped it, despite my numerous calls pleading with them. They never call back with an update or any information. They are not helpful and they really should not be in business. Do not go here if you could help it. Go see a local USPS or FedEx or anywhere other than this location.

  • Elizabeth Mathew

    Elizabeth Mathew


    I usually go to this ups and have never had a problem receiving a receipt with the address of where I shipped to. I was shipping important document and when I asked for the shipping receipt I was told the only receipt given out now was the payment one. After calling ups corporate I was told that ups does in fact give out shipping receipts, but this location did not choose to do so. I worked for ups for over 6 years and the only time a receipt would not be give back is if the price was reduced after the proper address was entered j to the system and was recognized as a business and adjusted. I wouldn't have even mined it i had to pay a few dollars extra and they didn't want to refund the amount but I do mind being told that ups no Linder does that when ups corporate confirms that in fact does have shopping receipts.

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