The UPS Store en Grapevine

Estados UnidosThe UPS Store



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2140, Hall - Johnson Road, 76051, Grapevine, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-251-8444
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8940677, Longitude: -97.1008506

comentarios 5

  • Lia Bishop

    Lia Bishop


    Truly appreciated the customer service I received from Martin today being in the rush I was in. I literally was there no more than 2 minutes. He was friendly and definitely made my 1st visit very fast and easy.

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    Andrew Ha


    I don't know who the people who left bad reviews interacted with but my experience with excellent. I needed to ship a 10'x14' rug back to a vendor. Dillan happily helped me wrap up the rug so it would be acceptable to ship. It was a much more challenging task because of the size of the rug. However, Dillan was a class act and charged me what I felt was MUCH LESS than he should have. Thank you for going above and beyond for us. We'll be back! A++

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    Jocelyn Baroody


    Just done with this franchise. Unprofessional and seemingly uninterested in making any effort to help customers with any issues that may arise.

  • Kabena Bukasa

    Kabena Bukasa


    Worst service ever!!! The guy who acts like a kid and claim to be the manger has a bad attitude. Stay away from this store!




    This UPS Store was recommended to me by another business. As a national and international contractor, shipping and receiving are crucial to my business. I am very demanding and I have very high standards and expectations. Without any hesitation; I fully recommend this UPS store to anyone. The Staff; Tracey, Martin, and Dillon continuously go above and beyond my every expectation!! Because of this great team, is why; now I am on my third year and for me that speaks volumes! I frequent two to three times a day. The most shocking thing to me is seeing how some people come in there with self inflicted problems. Some customers treat the staff so disrespectful and harsh and expect them to fix or blame them for these customers self inflicted problems. Yet, this crew of true professionals does not miss a beat and still provides amazing service. I still recall my first encounter in this store with Martin, it was a memorable experience, really nice guy. Tracey is so resourceful and very caring. Dillon is very kind and helpful. I could not ask for a better crew. If you are a business and you need constant shipping and receiving that is reliable and dependable, this UPS store will take care of you. TRUE PROFESSIONALS!!!

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