The UPS Store w Montvale

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

110, Chestnut Ridge Road, 07645, Montvale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-391-2250
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0568289, Longitude: -74.0684286

komentarze 5

  • Zhongyi Han

    Zhongyi Han


    Good stuff. Very friendly

  • en

    Jennifer Tsonas


    I am moving to SC and needed to ship some very fragile and precious artwork with tremendous sentimental value. The artsist was my Mom and these pieces are totally irreplaceable. I googled shipping precious artwork and found the UPS store near my home. I called and spoke to Suri who assured me he could handle the job. I took the work to him and was immediately impressed with his calm confidence and obvious expertise in handling this type of precious cargo. So, after discussing the project and how he would pack and care for these oversized hand made works of art I felt completely confident that Suri would get the job done professionally and safely. We ended up with 6 boxes some of which he had to customize due to the size of the items. Suri called me the day they shipped and two days later they arrived the home of my friend who isn’t going to keep them until our home is ready. She opened each one and inspected the work. They arrived absolutely perfect. Thank you Suri!!! I totally recommend the UPS store on Chestnut Ridge Road in Montvale for flawless work!! Thank you !!!

  • en

    Steven Calogero


    Corinne was a pleasure to work with!

  • Rick Murdock

    Rick Murdock


    I've been going to the UPS Store in Montvale for over four years. They are nicest people and provide all the services my company needs. This place provides fast and friendly service. Use them for mailbox, printing and shipping services. Not sure about the other reviewers, but we never had any problems.

  • Tee G

    Tee G


    Woman answers the phone like its her house. Had a hard time asking her a question.

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