The UPS Store w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1080, Bergen Street, 11216, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-467-9500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6760036, Longitude: -73.9504179

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ramiro Palma


    Very friendly and responsive. Very diligent about packing my boxes (went above and beyond to ensure nothing would move or be damaged during shipping). Probably the best run UPS store I’ve been to.

  • Ari Itkin

    Ari Itkin


    Wow, I've never had a better customer service experience at a shipping store. Regina handled all of my needs/issues with ease and was so kind and thoughtful. I will be sending all of my packages from this location moving forward!

  • Alexandra LaValle

    Alexandra LaValle


    Extremely helpful and competent staff. They really help you with everything you need and are super friendly. So much better than the folks at the post office on Atlantic.

  • Kendall Valan

    Kendall Valan


    The best UPS location I've ever worked with. Their hours are flexible, there is never a line, and once let me borrow a cart when I needed to carry heavy boxes to my apartment down the street. They always give a curiosity call as soon as your packages become available for pickup. Only UPS I trust.

  • en

    Lauren Jayy


    If I could give a negative stars I would. BEWARE the workers here are young teens and some of them are thieves!! They helped me package my items (which i thought was nice) but then stole them. The tracking scan shows it never left the store and they said it did LIARS. When I called UPS even they said they are having alot of problems with this store!! My items we were worth over $2500 and I won't have it in time for Christmas. Also The owner is RUDE AND VERY PUSHY! If you don't use her labels or purchase her tape she will act like your not a UPS customer. WORST EXPERIENCE EVER I will never go back there. I hope they close this franchise store!

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