The UPS Store i New York

Forenede StaterThe UPS Store



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105, West 86th Street, 10024, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-202-0534
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7867896, Longitude: -73.9724125

kommentar 5

  • en

    lisa daivis


    the sales associates Nicholas was so helpful in giving me info for shipping my package and get it by the certain day i needed he was very helpful

  • en

    brenleyn higgins


    had a great experience coming here the employee Nicholas was helping in giving me advice to ship my package to Italy he was just a great help and very nice

  • en

    molly richardson


    i was here on Saturday only one person was here which made no sense on a Saturday do they know that people come here on Saturday and the gentleman was working quickly and effectively and i asked him are you always by your self on Saturday and he said all the time does not even get a chance to eat and take a break said if he steps out and they check the camera they would call him and question where he was which is scary to me he cant step up to get something to eat that is a bad job by the manger of this store they need to change i would like to give a huge praise to the gentleman i forgot his name but he needs to get praise the 5 stars is for him not the store

  • Genesis



    Definitely enjoyed my experience visiting this UPS store! They were so friendly and were nice enough to assist me with putting my item in the box for the shipment. Then they notified me telling me the package was supposed to be shipped to USPS instead of UPS. I didn’t know at the time! Will definitely visit this store again in the near future 👍🏻.

  • Erica Bynum

    Erica Bynum


    This Ups store is exceptional. The young and women men they have working there are respectful and more than accommodate me. I recommend this store. Great job!!! Developing a relationship with your costumers is number one when working with people in my opinion. They have done this. Karl Chaze (I m not sure if the spelling) Nicolas among others have been awesome.

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