The University of Texas at El Paso i El Paso

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Forenede StaterThe University of Texas at El Paso


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500, West University Avenue, 79968, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 915-747-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.7708544, Longitude: -106.5046216

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andres Correa


    UTEP is an amazing public research university focused around providing excellent research opportunities for students interested. Like any other university however, you'll have to seek those opportunities out, they won't land out of the blue.

  • en

    TeeMex Martin


    Very rude staff in the science building. Dr. Nancy Marquez is very rude and ugly behaved. I will never attend this college because of this person.. If you don't like your job quit!!!

  • Hassan Barzani

    Hassan Barzani


    UTEP is a great and diverse community. Beautiful campus as well! Keep up the great work!

  • Alex S

    Alex S


    I don't recommend this university. Only come to this university if you have to, and the universities 99% acceptance rate demonstrates this. The University is full of people that didn't get into other universities or that they have to attend this one. The University has full of professors that didn't get accepted to teach (or do research) at better universities. And of course you have exceptions but it seems to be more of a rule than exception. So not only do you have the worst students, you have the worst professors. Not a great combination in my opinion. Sounds like a blast. Oh yeah whether you have options or not, it doesn't change the facts that the university ranks at the end of the list in the country.

  • Carlos Contreras

    Carlos Contreras


    The school is good overall. They have enough classes so that people are not desperately trying to get registered for their class like they do in California. They have a wide range of degree programs you can choose. It is a commuter school, but still there is a lot of student life, activities and pride. University is what you make of it. You can go and leave each day without talking to anyone, or you can go and make lots of friends and join clubs making this the best years of your life. I read some of the comments that say that the professors don't answer questions and that they act like celebrities. I say talk to the dean, you are paying for your education they need to answer your questions. Of course don't be that person that tries to take over the class trying to feel smart asking question after question. Also there is a degree of learning that comes from in class teaching, but students also have to study on their own based on the guidance they get in class. How many hours do people really study? In regards to getting a degree, please don't get thousands of dollars into debt for a liberal arts degree unless you have some plan that will allow you to pay back your loans. It is no one but the students fault if they choose a useless degree. You guys should know what degrees will allow you to get a job after graduations and which ones are just going to look nice on your wall. At the end of the day, there are many Universities around the country, if you don't like it, go to another one or don't complain that you didn't get accepted anywhere else and you are stuck.

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