The Twisted Oak en Tarrytown

Estados UnidosThe Twisted Oak



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61, Main Street, 10591, Tarrytown, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-332-1992
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.077021, Longitude: -73.861012

comentarios 5

  • Byron Kuhn

    Byron Kuhn


    Day 3 in New York and I finally found the food I was looking for. Amazing food!! The flavor combinations were simply incredible, start with the bread that was brought to the table with a cheese spread with just a hint of nutmeg to pair with the crust on the bread. The Roasted Chicken practically melted in my mouth and the savory bread pudding was something out of this world. Next time I'm in the area I will definitely be coming back here.

  • Lorraine Muir

    Lorraine Muir


    Awesome. Quaint farm to table on Main Street in river town of Tarrytown. Great chef menu and service

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    Jairo Triguero


    From the truffle chickpeas to the zeppoles the food is absolutely delicious. A decadent touch to a few of the dishes adds the flavor and depth lacking in a lot of other places. The bartender produces killer cocktails, a fantastic old-fashion and even a new rum cocktail they were working on. The owner came out and was quite personable and friendly as he chatted up and checked on each table. This place is underrated and should definitely be checked out if in the Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow area.

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    Frank Marino


    Appetizers were yummy and felt seasonal. Main courses were somewhat bland and uninspired. Chicken slightly undercooked. Dessert was nice but not special, just sweet. $15 for a glass of red wine was a bit of a bummer. The $10 glass was also over priced. Quality service. Even at restaurant week pricing, would not return.

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    Pierre Asselin


    This place was really nice, romantic and served really creative food. The prices are moderate but the food and service is well worth it. It looks like the menu changes regularly, and may even change on a daily basis. I had a short rib over a steel cut oatmeal risotto and it was amazing. The only downfall was that the music was a little loud for my taste. It wasn't loud like you need to yell across the table but loud enough that I needed to project my voice and I had some trouble hearing people from the other side of the table for 6.

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