The Tile Shop w Norwalk

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Tile Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

360, Connecticut Avenue, 06854, Norwalk, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-663-0264
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1026807, Longitude: -73.4397688

komentarze 3

  • en

    Xiaopei Wang


    The store has a wide variety of selections and salesmen are very helpful, patient and knowledgeable. We worked with Andrew, and he was awesome! We were able to achieve the bathroom look we wanted only at this place. The reason I’m giving only 3 stars is due to the product quality. We were on a tight schedule and certain things need to be done at certain time. But due to some bad tiles, we had to wait for replacement and this caused delay. If you aren’t on a tight schedule, then this store is definitely worth checking out.

  • Theodore Stepanoff

    Theodore Stepanoff


    Lousy customer service. I walked around 30 minutes and no one said hello even. Then when I went to leave at 5:55, five minutes before it closes the front doors wouldn't open. They turned off the automatic doors. Took a little while for someone to tell us to just pull them open. They were laughing about it. No apology. The employees were more interested in getting out of there than helping customers.

  • Diana Guzman

    Diana Guzman


    We had a great experience shopping for the tiles of our new kitchen, the variety and quality of tile is amazing and the service is great. We were helped by Casey McKnight who greeted us from the moment we entered the store and was very nice in helping us decide the look we wanted for our backsplash. Casey took the time to understand our needs and made very useful recommendations.

najbliższy przechowywania towarów domowe

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