The Stray Dog w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Stray Dog



🕗 godziny otwarcia

401, East Hennepin Avenue, 55414, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 612-378-2855
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.988829, Longitude: -93.2549525

komentarze 5

  • en



    The cheese curds were under cooked and were soaked in grease. Additionally, I had the philly, and the bun was soggy do to the juice from the roast beef. The stray dog did not live up to the bulldog standards it use to be.

  • en

    Justin Evans


    Had the country style chicken and waffles, which were excellent. Crispy fried chicken, savory gravy, and an outstanding maple-bacon syrup. Also had the Junk burger with truffle fries. Thick bacon, a perfectly fried but still runny egg, and the fries were expertly tossed in truffle oil. A great compliment to an already great entree.

  • Bryan Rogers

    Bryan Rogers


    Good food and nice beer selection. I had a burger mediuum, cooked perfectly and tasted great. The only change I would make to the burger is a different bun. Bun was still good, it just didn't hold up well to my particular burger choice.

  • Jeff Wynn

    Jeff Wynn


    The food was delicious and the service was decent. Our drinks were both made incorrectly the first time, and when we asked that they be remade, the server told us she would have the better bartender do it. Second time around, the drinks were perfect and amazing! The PB and Bacon burger was phenomenal.

  • en

    Jerry Jensen


    I don't believe five stars is an adequate rating for the two times we've visited Stray Dog. First the service was spectacular on both visits, in addition the staff is fun, involved, and have great attitudes. The wings are full of flavor and some of the best in town. The NY burger will be in the running for 2018 Twin Cites best burger, the Truffle burger is also excellent. Sprouts were perfectly done and the cup cakes off the chart delicious. Mix in some awesome cocktails and this spot is one of the best in our city. Very Well Done !

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