The Stove Store and More w Oakdale

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Stove Store and More



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1244, Montauk Highway, 11769, Oakdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-750-3905
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.741599, Longitude: -73.13075

komentarze 5

  • Greg Gilman

    Greg Gilman


  • en

    Drue S.


    I originally contracted and left a deposit with another supplier and installer for a Vermont Castings stove. After that company delayed my installation several times, blaming it on the unavailability of the particular stove I wanted from Vermont Castings, I reached out to The Stove Store and More and was glad that I did. John indicated that there was no shortage of the stove I wanted, and that he could have it installed in two weeks at a price that was also quite a bit cheaper than the original store (I hadn't even told John the price the other store was charging me). When I called the other store back to let them know that other suppliers could get the stove that I wanted, they responded by saying they now had the stove and were ready to install. Due to that other store's dishonesty I cancelled the project and instead purchased from John at The Stove Store and More. True to his word, John had the stove installed in two weeks. I couldn't be happier with the way it all worked out. About two years after installing the Vermont Castings stove, the dampener plate cracked. I reached out to The Stove Store and More to get a replacement, and John shipped one immediately. I highly recommend this place.

  • Francine Leimeister

    Francine Leimeister


    My husband and I went into The Stove Store looking for an insert for our fireplace. John, the owner, was so patient explaining how the stove works, showed us different models and took the time with us. Lenny, the installer, placed the insert for us. They were both very professional. The process was very easy from start to finish. We are absolutely very satisfied customers and would highly recommend them both! Thank you, John and Lenny!

  • en

    Herve Telfort


    Honesty is a big influencer in my decision to buy from a store. Speaking to John during one of my visits at The Stove Store to inquire about some patio and wall decors resulted in several transactions. I have purchased six Copper Torches, three Bird Feeders and several Wall Decors from the store. My experiences have been top notch. John is very knowledgeable about the product he carries and their optimal use; he is personable and honest in his dealings. Delivery is always on time and he never rushes a sale as every customer gets his total attention. I have recommended The Stove Store to several friends and they have all expressed immense gratitude to me for John's service, professionalism and pricing.

  • en

    Scott Hyland


    The staff is extremely friendly and helpful and i never once felt like I was being sold something. He was never pushy and really tried to help me find the right stove rather than simply trying to make a sale, he even told me to buy an ash bucket at Lowes instead of ordering it through him because it was cheaper than he can get it for. I would absolutely recommend them for anyone looking to buy a stove.

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