The Snapper Inn w Oakdale

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Snapper Inn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

500, Shore Drive, 11769, Oakdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-589-0248
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7270231, Longitude: -73.1490693

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicolas Aguilar


    The location, sight, and restaurant are awesome! Food was good, but service not that good. I honestly think the staff needs to be better trained on how to serve and remove plates as they were rushing all the time and getting on the way of the conversation. I would not mind this at the mom-and-pop restaurant around the corner, but not in a high-end place like this. In my opinion, this is something management should put more attention to, as this really demotes the place and experience.

  • MrPianoman38



    Great service with an excellent selection of high quality food. Right on the water with great views all around. Would definitely eat here again!

  • en

    Stacey Michael


    My sister and I went for Restaurant week. We made reservations and was seated in 5 minutes. The food was DELICIOUS! Cat was our server and she was amazing. Caty was Very attentive and knowledgeable. Cat made our experience a great one! The sirloin tips, prime rib and shrimp scampi was melt in your mouth delicious! To top it off the pineapple upside down cake was moist and not too sweet. We will be back!

  • en

    Bradley Mard


    Ugh, this freaking place. Was taken here for my birthday. I love seafood and to be honest the food wasn't horrible it wasn't anything to write home about either but what really irked me was the complete lack of service. It was not busy at all yet our server was occupied getting ready for the dinner rush therefore ignoring us. I will never go back. There's better restaurants out there within better servers. Lackluster place on all fronts.

  • Karen Fuller

    Karen Fuller


    There are too few good seafood restaurants on Long Island. This one really stands out. Food, service, atmosphere all add up to a great place to eat. Had a broiled seafood platter at lunch, and it was served perfectly cooked. Too often places overcook their seafood. Here they respect that a minute too much can ruin a dish. Kudos!

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