The Secret Garden Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Secret Garden Spa



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702, Forest Avenue, 10310, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-815-5900
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.629125, Longitude: -74.1126075

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicole Foti


    My 6 year old niece recently donated her hair to cancer through a school event. We brought her in for a simple trim since the cut was only quick with a buzzer to clip off the pony tails. The Secret Garden charged $60 for this trim. Who charges this for a little girl to get a trim after she donated her hair for such a good cause. Wait, who charges this for a 6 year old to get a trim period?!? Oh, did I mention the Secret Garden was the salon who volunteered to cut the hair for the donations to begin with. Not Cool to leave those little girls with such big hearts looking like that. Shout out to the other businesses on Forest Ave who supported these kids and their parents!

  • en

    Barbara J Brown


    I go for Mani-Pedis with Amy. She's amazing!

  • en

    Rae Martinelli


    It's a very warm and friendly atmosphere. And everyone that works there really tries to please their customers...

  • Maria Jimenez

    Maria Jimenez


    This is definitely a little secret in Staten Island. It's a warm place that should be visited. The place is warm and welcoming. Very good prices and professional with a pleasant staff and a soothing ambience atmosphere. Enjoy, relax and be pampered.

  • en

    Medina Sukalic


    I had the biggest problem with my hair! I went to a salon & the colorist decided it would be a good idea to dye my hair two different colors!!  I had to fix this ASAP. Sofia has hands of gold! I had the pleasure of visiting her in her mid town location and she made me feel beautiful again! Color corrected my hair and styled it to perfection! I will definitely be going to  The Secret  Garden Spa just so I can have Sofia be my hair stylist! I will follow her where ever she goes! Thank you to The Secret Garden Spa for hiring someone who knows what she is doing!!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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