The Sam Houston, Curio Collection by Hilton i Houston

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Forenede StaterThe Sam Houston, Curio Collection by Hilton



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1117, Prairie Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 832-200-8800
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Latitude: 29.7600534, Longitude: -95.3602551

kommentar 5

  • Rain Man

    Rain Man


    This is our favorite spot in the theater district. Historic botique hotel with a great restaurant and bar very close to Prohibition, Conservatory, Petes Piano Bar, III Forks, Hobby Center, Sambucas, etc, etc, etc. The Pearl is a very good restaurant and bar as well. We look for reasons to stay at the SAM...

  • Charles Gorney

    Charles Gorney


    A nice hotel. A bad area. I was in an odd numbered room on an upper floor... the music and crowd noise from the neighborhood was unbearable until very early in the morning. Bring ear plugs. If you're new to Houston be prepared to travel in a group. The homeless and vagrant population in downtown Houston near main street is out of control. I didn't feel comfortable walking around alone after dark.

  • en

    Lacy Springs


    I love this hotel. I came into town from Austin for a concert and this place was exactly what I needed. Great friendly staff. Great breakfast at the Pearl.

  • Adam Bender

    Adam Bender


    Classy hotel with individual character in the heart of Houston. Room was comfortable with an amazing shower. Convenient location and they have a shuttle for nearby travel. Trendy restaurants and bars nearby. Good wifi, and lobby has complimentary coffee in morning if you need to do some work. Would stay again.

  • Rhett Jones

    Rhett Jones


    I was visiting my sister who was staying there and met her for breakfast. The hotel was beautiful and had a great botique feel to it. The Pearl restaurant had a great breakfast, though I will say the menu seemed a little basic. The staff were very friendly and were able to balance their time well between all the tables while being social and not seeming to be in a hurry. Definitely would suggest the hotel.

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