The Salsa With Silvia Dance Studio w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Salsa With Silvia Dance Studio


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3232, Georgia Avenue Northwest, 20010, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-643-1870
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 38.9307868, Longitude: -77.0235108

komentarze 5

  • Jimmy Zhou

    Jimmy Zhou


    I've been taking classes here for years. It's a great studio space with classes and team instruction up to the intermediate levels in salsa and bachata. The size of the dance floors are a little smaller than what you see in VA or MD, but there are two dance spaces with simultaneous classes going on. It's probably the best studio space within DC that I know of. The instructors are exceptional and there's usually lots of beginners and intermediate folks in the classes. People are really friendly and I think it's less intimidating for beginners. I think one of the best things about this place is that there's a real salsa community that's been built around it and I've made lots of friends by being a part. I have a huge crew to go out social dancing that came about in no small part to this studio. The pricing is very competitive, especially if you sign up for an unlimited subscription. There's usually plenty of parking around the studio as well, so it's pretty convenient to get to. My only warning is that the area is a bit sketchy at night so make sure you don't have anything in your car in sight. Otherwise, I recommend this studio to basically anybody who asks me about learning salsa.

  • Alana Smith

    Alana Smith


    My daughter has taken kids classes here for over a year and we love it. The teachers are great and Silvia always plans fun holiday events and recitals at the end of each semester.

  • carter Cabrera

    carter Cabrera


    They are the best en D.C.....thanks now i'm learning little bit bachata....

  • en

    Ryan Gettinger


    We came here for the Valentine's Day class. Man did the time fly by. If you're going just for the wine and cheese, it's not worth it, but if you want an upbeat atmosphere and a very friendly dance instructor, this is a place to be. It was very crowded, but they are moving or have moved to a new studio that is supposed to be much larger.

  • Bee Bly

    Bee Bly


    I've been taking lessons from Silvia for years! She's awesome, her instructors are awesome and I have been so happy to learn all of their cool moves. The prices are reasonable and the variety of dates and availability make it easier for a single mom like me to get my practice in. I am a SWSer as long as they will have me!

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