The Salon at Wynn w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Salon at Wynn



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3131, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-770-3900
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.1290754, Longitude: -115.1652896

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jennifer Tsalapatanis


    Jennifer applied airbrush makeup that was perfection and Ray the hair stylist was exceptionally talented as well....

  • en

    Kelly M


    Ray is a miracle worker! He not only fixed a bad haircut from another salon, but made me look stylish in the process. Thank you!

  • Kimberly Dicken

    Kimberly Dicken


    I don't understand how you can mess someone's hair up this bad when you charge that much for a hair cut. Horrible.

  • en

    Ken Wood


    I'm a 54 year old guy that was looking for a new hair style. I have a full head of hair, I had grown it out and can do what ever I want with it. I also have the ability to go anywhere to have my hair styled. I searched for a while to find someone that I thought would truly style my hair and not just cut it. I finally chose Claude and flew from Orlando to Las Vegas just to get a new hair style. Just to sum it up, I was not disappointed. Claude took time to set down with me first and talk with me and ask me what I was looking for then told me what he thought would work best with my hair for me. I trusted what he said and I was not disappointed. It was worth the 2300 mile trip!!!!

  • Delyana Dimitrova

    Delyana Dimitrova


    Very overpriced - sure if you are staying at 5* hotel you don't expect anything to be cheap nor you mind spending a bit more, However this salon does not match the prices. I'm very disappointed for their manicure which is about 90$ (I did French manicure, the signature one) and it is the very basic - some cream on your hands, you can choose from all possible Opi colors but that's it - no decorations are available nor sophisticated design...just plain color. On top of that the French line was far from straight.. I could do a better job ...hand of the girl were very unsteady so it was not a big surprise...but I simply had no time to make a new appointment. I cut my nails short after the wedding so I don't get stressed over it. I also did my hair (bridal) which was done nice 250$ nothing difficult or special. Make up was also ok - also about 90$. I wanted very natural look so with a bit argument the girl the final look was good. Both hairdresser and makeup artist were very friendly.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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