The River Inn of Harbor Town i Memphis

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Forenede StaterThe River Inn of Harbor Town


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50, Harbor Town Square, 38103, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 901-260-3333
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1611765, Longitude: -90.0550102

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Pliego


    I loved the hotel. Really great service and centrslly located to pretty much everything

  • Samuel Lowen

    Samuel Lowen


    One of the consistently best places to go in Memphis for a quick meal and drink. Conveniently located with an incredibly hard working staff. I've eaten here more times than I can count and I will continue to eat here multiple times a month.

  • en



    Wonderful and charming hotel with great views of the Mississippi river and bridge. Great restaurants and bar area. Rooms are well appointed and very quiet. Located in a semi-residential area. Pricing is very high, but includes a full made to order breakfast with great choices. Beds are turned down in the evening and a glass of sherry is left for you also. Would give 5 stars, but the pricing is high and the internet service is slow.

  • Gisele Oliveira

    Gisele Oliveira


    This hotel was great. The staff was polite and cordial. Room was very nice and clean. Location was great with good views of the Mississippi river, bridge, and Riverwalk. Definitely, I would stay there again.

  • Veronica Hnatiuk

    Veronica Hnatiuk


    The River Inn of Harbor Town was one of those vendors who did not leave the best impression after our event. We were initially drawn to the combination of affordable price and amenities for out-of-town guests, with the additional perk of The River Inn being in a very safe area for Downtown Memphis. Our contract for blocked rooms had the wrong dates the first time it was sent, and they claimed to have not received the signed copy (despite multiple emails asking them to confirm, it wasn’t until guests started trying to book rooms that we were informed the contract hadn’t been received). On our wedding night, we checked into the hotel only to be told they didn’t have champagne to offer us (part of our contract), only red or white wine. Once the event was over and guests departed, the contact at the hotel called my husband and I asking us to pay the remaining balance for some guests. Our contract clearly stated each guest is responsible for their own room expense. Bottom line: great hotel with very nice rooms. Communication with the hotel staff leaves a lot to be desired. Contacting a couple while they are on their honeymoon is a huge customer dissatisfier.

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