The Real Cake Baker w Bellflower

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Real Cake Baker



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Bellflower, CA 90706, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 323-305-2482
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.873015, Longitude: -118.1240149

komentarze 5

  • Jennifer Gutierrez-Caldwell

    Jennifer Gutierrez-Caldwell


    Delicious Vegan Cake! Wow! My husband, children and I are a vegan family. We sometimes struggle to find the right vegan desserts. Look no further. The Real Cake Baker is everything! My non-vegan family was blown away too! They even put requests in to me for their birthdays that they want the exact cake we got! We did the vanilla cake with, vanilla icing and strawberries! It was perfect! Cannot wait to have another bday or celebrating to purchase another cake. When I called, I was greeted with great customer service, I was directed online to place the order. Ordering online was straight forward. Follow up communication via email was great. I was updated along the way with a order status. The delivery was on time!! Very had a very satisfied vegan birthday princess.

  • Shamel Ashayah

    Shamel Ashayah


    Ordered from a different state, for my mom who is in L.A. and had a special request. Had no problem what so ever. Customer service is 10/10 for me, I will order again and again. My mother love her Eggnog Cheese cake with caramel toppings, it was very beautifully made and taste great! Thank you so much!!!

  • lifewith quioa

    lifewith quioa


    I ordered a Vegan cake from her for my 2 year old birthday yesterday.The cake was delicious Everybody loved it and asked me where I got it from.I will be ordering again forsure. my baby cake was bomb.

  • Hannah Woods

    Hannah Woods


    Desserts are made from scratch. Delicious you just know they use fresh ingredients. Always happy with my fresh delivery from The Real Cake Baker.

  • Latoya Hosbey

    Latoya Hosbey


    Excellent service ..... Great treats .. Made my occasion a hit

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