The Plant House i Omaha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Plant House



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7337, Douglas St, 68114, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 402-991-7836
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Latitude: 41.2586219, Longitude: -96.0267501

kommentar 5

  • Julie Kiefer

    Julie Kiefer


    I love this place. She is so knowledgeable and the choices are unique.

  • Sonny Nutz

    Sonny Nutz


    It's a small place, but definitely has an excellent variety. The person running the place is also very knowledgeable and willing to speak with you about the different plants and needs of each one. I would definitely recommend someone going to this place to check it out!!!

  • shelisa minnifield

    shelisa minnifield


    Best place I've found for healthy unique orchids. Can't wait to visit again

  • Shawn Finley

    Shawn Finley


    The people that run this place are awesome! They are very knowledgeable and usually have some great deals. They used to have some awesome plants including cacti and succulents!

  • en

    brien robotham


    Christy has a wealth of knowledge that she graciously shares. Extraordinary selection of house plants available. Best Orchid selection in Omaha. I went home with an Aliceara Donald Halliday.

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