The Phoenix Eastern Medicine Center w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Phoenix Eastern Medicine Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

376, Fulton Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-520-1330
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7297785, Longitude: -73.4529405

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angelo Quinto


    My wife went to Acupuncture from Dr Lee, she is very knowledgeable, and very friendly the staffs very professional and courteous, after the session she feel much better. highly recommend this place.

  • Connie Stanga

    Connie Stanga


    Love this place. I initially went for arthritis in my hands. I could barely open a door knob. After accupuncture sessions with Dr. Jin I am pain free and I now get a whole body treatment when I go. They have other services as well such as facials, massage, yoga and meditation to name a few. The place is very serene and puts you in a very good mindset. I highly recommend Phoenix Eastern Medicine Center!

  • en

    Shella Hebron


    I LOVE Phoenix Eastern Medicine Center! From the best Doctors, great staff and exceptional services they offer, you will have the best experience here. The minute you walk in the door, you feel the comfort and peace that you are looking for to relax and get acupuncture, massage, facial treatments. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PLACE! - SH

  • Just Me

    Just Me


    From walking in to walking out...always an exceptional experience. Highly knowledgeable and competent staff. All treatments are exactly how described. I've even attended some classes and events...and still always a great time/experience. I highly recommend the Phoenix Eastern Medicine Center for all services.

  • Mirtha Gregory

    Mirtha Gregory


    A true wellness center. I go for acupuncture, massage and yoga. I am always pleased by whoever I am treated by. The staff is kind and knowledgeable. I use to get migraines, thanks to acupuncture I no longer get them. I always feel so relaxed when I'm leaving Phoenix Eastern Medicine

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