The Pfunky Griddle w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Pfunky Griddle



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2800, Bransford Avenue, 37204, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-298-2088
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1164267, Longitude: -86.765981

komentarze 5

  • Jessica Sands

    Jessica Sands


    Had a lot of fun. You cook up your own pancakes, eggs, hash browns and more. The pancakes are all you can eat and you get 2 batters. 5 grain and unbleached white. Both were really good. The people are also really nice and helpful.

  • William Saunders

    William Saunders


    Cook your own all you can eat pancakes, there's a flat top grill right on your table! If you've read any further than that, it's a must go when in Nashville. Great for kids. Good food and service but it was very busy on a Friday morning so plan accordingly. There is a gourmet coffee/espresso bar so you can have your coffee while you wait for a table. Cute surrounding neighborhood as well.

  • Dana White

    Dana White


    We are visiting from out of town and really enjoyed the Pfunky Griddle! It was a fun atmosphere and we had a great time making our breakfast on the griddles! Would have given a 5 star but the staff was a bit rushed (wish the waiter would have slowed down and talked to us a bit more) and the hostess had a bit of an attitude. Otherwise would highly recommend!! If back in Nashville I will definitely return.

  • Dan B

    Dan B


    Absolutely garbage. You have to cook your own food. Let me say that again you have cook your own food. It’s not cheaper even though you have to make your own food. They also have 20 employees standing around. This maybe a good idea for those people who don’t ever cook and think oh how cool you can pour pancake batter.... wow. So if you want to pay to much for your food that you cook yourself come here.

  • Debra Sheridan

    Debra Sheridan


    This casual little eatery is unique, in decor, menu offering, and food preparation. It's a cooperative establishment. You get to cook some of your food (pancakes, French toast, eggs) right at your table. All other items are prepared for you. The coffee is delicious! And plentiful. I tried the unbleached white flour pancakes. They were light, and tasty. And, cooked to my idea of perfection. 😎 It was quiet when I arrived, and at first I wasn't sure they were open. When I was sure they were open I parked near the road to let others know to come on in!

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