The Pet Club w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Pet Club



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4001, East Thomas Road, 85018, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-957-2906
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4801257, Longitude: -111.9949408

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jeff Benedict


    Friendly staff, good selection and quality products. We have been buying our chicken feed and supplies there for 3 years.

  • en

    Myo Mechanic


    I'm not sure what happened, but this store is awful now. Unhelpful employees who just stand around talking to each other... There was a blond guy eating fast food who, I guess, works there but just told me "I'm on break" when I asked him for help. I'll be taking my business to Noble Beast from now on.

  • lindsey huth

    lindsey huth


    Craig the store manager is great along with the staff. I love that VIP Petcare Comes every other weekend and provide a vaccination clinic

  • en

    jennifer greco


    The self groom facilities were disgusting. The "clean" towels were covered in hair. The tub drain was backed up. There was dog pee on the floor and so much hair packed along the base boards that clearly had been there a long time. The first time I went was a Sunday and I thought it had just been a busy day, but then I went back on a Monday morning and it was worse. Seriously, so dirty I didn't even dry my dogs with the dryer, I just wanted to get out of there. I rarely give a bad review, I'd just as soon move on, but it was so bad I feel compelled to warn others .

  • en

    Diane Anderson


    Love this store. I don't buy my dog food there because I make my own but when I did the prices were competitive. Staff is so helpful. The groomers at my location are awesome. They take special consideration in working with my reactive dog to get his nails trimmed. Love them for being so understanding of his needs.

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