The Pet Club i Phoenix

Forenede StaterThe Pet Club



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3540, West Baseline Road, 85339, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 623-385-8180
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Latitude: 33.3790688, Longitude: -112.1350907

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Carroll


    Good prices. But somebody keeps stealing the carts to haul the feed bags. Some people's children need an a** kicking.

  • Paula Fosbinder

    Paula Fosbinder


    Convenient for me but they never have enough staff to assist the customers. Several times I was there and no cart available to take my 40 and 50 lb. Bags of horse pellets to my car. Nobody to assist me in carrying it either not even an offer. Purely go there for convenience only. 🤨

  • Stefanie Bennett

    Stefanie Bennett


    My dog River and I visited The Grooming Salon and absolutely loved it! Gavin was wonderfully attentive with my dog and did outstanding work! We will definitely be coming back.

  • en

    Maria Alvarez


    They did an Amazing job with my Rosita. Totally happy with the results, friendly and kind people. Thank you.

  • Dulce Hidalgo

    Dulce Hidalgo


    The staff is very friendly and can benefit from a little more customer service because they can appear a bit naive. The items that are available are decent and you can easily find something for the various types of pets owned in Laveen. It's a great place to support local shopping and keep money in AZ.

nærmeste Butik

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