The P.E. Club w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe P.E. Club



🕗 godziny otwarcia

238, East 75th Street, 10021, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-846-8473
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7708639, Longitude: -73.957772

komentarze 5

  • en

    jodee levine


    Excellent place to train. Group instructors are knowledgeable and helpful and nice to everyone.

  • Jaclyn Diamond

    Jaclyn Diamond


    PE Club is an elegant/personal training vibe type of gym. I am avid about working out and am addicted to PE. It is an amazing workout and completely full body! I have taken almost every class and I like how you get every type of workout. Each class is small, with about 8-10 people so they focus on your every move and help you improve! Highly recommend this studio!!!

  • Joy Mckay

    Joy Mckay


    The PE Club is a hidden "gym" on the UES. As soon as you walk in the door the front desk staff is always welcoming and helpful. The classes and teachers are consistently wonderful . Everything is always immaculate and clean. I highly recommend the PE club to anyone.

  • Sandra Lee

    Sandra Lee


    The Trainers make you feel comfortable and special, helping you reach your goals. The owners are very professional and attentive to every detail. Nedra and Alex take their business seriously and strive to keep their customers satisfied. Lots of fun workouts and loads of energy exerted in a comfortable atmosphere! I would recommend the facility for all levels of training. Check them out! I am so glad they are part of my life!

  • Rachel Usnik

    Rachel Usnik


    This is one of my favorite studios in the city. It's small and very well maintained by expert trainers. The classes are all very personalized since they are small. It's a great place for an amazing work out and to learn more about improving your form. Highly recommended!

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