The Palm Las Vegas i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterThe Palm Las Vegas



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3500 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite A7, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 702-732-7256
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Latitude: 36.1183204, Longitude: -115.1759787

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicholas Anderson


    Great place to eat. Has a bit of an up scale scene. Not really kid friendly because of the wine and full bar. I ordered a glass of Chardonnay which was a bit pricey. The seasoning on the grilled chicken was very tasteful. Everyone was polite and provided great customer service

  • Val Landau

    Val Landau


    Ate the 3lb. lobster all by myself. It was perfect. Two people had the rib eye, cooked to perfection and one had the tuna, which he loved. Each of the birthday guys got a slice of cheesecake with fresh berries on top it was delicious. The service as always was great and so was the rest of the staff. We are locals and The Palm is our special occasion place. Anyone who wants top notch food with top notch service will not be dissapointed.

  • TJ



    Amazing food. Service could have been better. We ordered appetizer and main course. Both came together and appetizer was cold. And pricey. But enjoyed.

  • de

    Richard Wittsiepe


    Sehr guter Service, sehr gute Weinkarte und gutes Essen. Kein Nepp.

  • Brad Van Horn

    Brad Van Horn


    We stumbled upon The Palm while searching for a Steakhouse in Las Vegas on a Friday night. We were expecting a standard Vegas dining encounter, friendly staff, great food, and good (if not a little rushed) service. What we experienced was an absolutely superb evening of dining. From the beginning, our table was ready immediately upon arrival and we were greeted at our table by Barry, our guide on this bovine adventure. Barry explained that his goal was to make us feel comfortable, educate us on the establishment and the menu, and let us take our time and enjoy our evening. He made wonderful recommendations and was very warm and friendly, we enjoyed his company and humor very much throughout our time at The Palm. The food was exquisite. Everything was absolutely delicious and Barry made sure our experience was special by offering a few sauces to taste and a dessert to cap off the feast. For the record, we both ordered Filet Mignon (I had the bone-in cut, while my wife opted for the classic boneless version). Luigi, the manager, also stopped by to make sure Barry was taking good care of us and we told him we were enjoying ourselves to the maximum! We were so pleased with our experience that we will be back to Las Vegas in March and intend to dine and relax at the The Palm again, hopefully with Barry. :) Thank you to Barry, Luigi, and the other staff members at The Palm for making it a memorable night. Cheers and see you again soon!

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