The Open Door Apostolic Tabernacle, UPC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Open Door Apostolic Tabernacle, UPC



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10201, Seaview Avenue, 11236, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-719-0779
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.636528, Longitude: -73.885907

komentarze 5

  • Balfour Morgan

    Balfour Morgan


    Beautiful atmosphere of worship such loving and excellent leadership they make you feel welcomed and really care for the needs of the community never a disappointment the word is preached with much fervor that will revolutionize your life!!!!

  • en

    Joan Noble


    The Open Door Apostolic Tabernacle is the place where the spirit of God resides. It's a home away from home. Pastor and Lady Garrick are true disciples of God. I am glad I found a church that focuses solely on winning souls.

  • Marcia McKenzie

    Marcia McKenzie


    The Open Door Apostolic Tabernacle Church is the place to be on any given Sunday. From the parking lot to the pews, you are greeted with such warm welcome by the saints, greeters and the Shepherd of the House, Pastor Miguel Garrick and First Lady Feona Garrick. Praise and worship is irresistible; the Word...unadulterated; the anointing is rich! Awesome Holy Ghost experience. Come taste and see that the Lord is good!

  • en

    Marsha Garrick


    Great church, worship, pastor, ministers, leadership, and church members!!! Inviting YOU, yes YOU, to the Open Door Apostolic Tabernacle, UPC the best place to worship!!! All are welcome, where YOU too can feel the presence of God leaving feeling blessed, refreshed, renewed, healed, and delivered. Pastor Miguel Garrick is an anointed man of God who preaches the Word of God!!!

  • Valentines Kicks

    Valentines Kicks


    Love this church. I go there every now and then because I work on Sunday’s but whenever I come there, it’s never a dull moment. I can feel the Holy Spirit working strongly! Whenever I need to speak to the Pastor or his wife, they’ll make time for me conveniently. For those who’s reading this, if you’re looking for a church/home you are always welcome stop by and enjoy the atmosphere that’s filled with the lord presence. Pastor Miguel is a good man. 💪🏾💯

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