The Olympus Pizza i Mesa

Forenede StaterThe Olympus Pizza



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1211, North Country Club Drive, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-629-8241
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Latitude: 33.436521, Longitude: -111.8391989

kommentar 5

  • Melissa Reed

    Melissa Reed


    Ordered a large half cheese, half pepperoni pizza and cheese sticks. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY GROSS! No flavor, it tasted like cardboard. First and LAST time ordering from them.

  • en

    Darrell Blanton


    Used delivery got a burnt pastrami, chicken wings for supposed to be barbecue but we're burnt and no sauce. Salad came with no dressing or croutons. Pizza was okay. Called the complaint said we won't be coming back she says that's fine. Wow customer service. You'd be wise to stay away.

  • en



    I love their pizza and bread sticks, but they have 12 year olds taking orders and working the register. They are beyond rude and act like taking order is such an inconvenience to their life. Maybe your parents should hire age appropriate employees! I went to use the bathroom last time I ate there and there were 3-4 girls, about 10-14 in age sitting on counter tops, and bags of food. The kitchen was disgusting. There was no organization in the back, just stuff thrown around. I'm done ordering from this place. Its unsanitary, and has horrible staff. They need the health department called on them IMMEDIATELY!

  • Perla Gastelum

    Perla Gastelum


    Awful awful awful food and staff. Do not come Here it sucks and you WILL regret it. It cheap but definitely not worth it.

  • en

    Stacey Bocchinfuso


    This place is absolutely horrible. NEVER ORDER FROM HERE. You’d be better off making microwave pizza. The girls on the phone are rude, don’t listen, and end up messing up your order even after asking them to read it back to make sure it’s correct. The food itself is awful. The pizza is nothing but bread, and it’s not even good bread. 🙄 The wings are super tiny and burnt. And to top it all off, the delivery took and an hour and a half at 3:00 in the afternoon and when it finally got here, it was cold. HORRIBLE PIZZA PLACE.

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