The Mayo Hotel i Tulsa

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Forenede StaterThe Mayo Hotel



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115, West 5th Street, 74103, Tulsa, Tulsa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 918-582-6296
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1509434, Longitude: -95.9921629

kommentar 5

  • en

    Melissa Sweeney


    The Mayo Hotel is absolutely amazing. We rented the king suite and we were in awe of how much value we get for the price we paid. It has a rooftop bar and open patio above 17 floors. This is our new favorite place to stay when we are here!

  • Anna Ratliff

    Anna Ratliff


    Wonderful hotel with gorgeous views in downtown Tulsa. We stayed at this boutique hotel several years ago and had an great stay. The rooms are nice and the staff was great. We loved breakfast and coffee down in the little cafe attached to the hotel. The halls have pictures of the hotel in its original state which are so cool if you're into local history (which I am). You will pay to park because it is downtown but it's valet which is nice. This is definitely a high end hotel. But it's worth the money.

  • en

    Benjamin Jeffrey


    The staff at the Mayo is a well rounded package of courtesy. The valet service is top notch and so worth it! The front desk is helpful. And the rooms are always so clean and beautiful. Plan on coming back next time and giving the rooftop bar a try for a dinner date. :) I would recommend this hotel to anyone staying in town.

  • en

    Claire Fey


    This is the most elegant and wonderful hotel. The rich history makes it such a cool place to stay. Its top notch staff treat you like royalty and it is so clean with really comfortable beds. Weddings are beautiful here and its my favorite for a stay cation get a massage in room great food and a nice rooftop bar. Its never a mistake to stay here.

  • Timothy Neufeld

    Timothy Neufeld


    The front desk staff was outstanding until it came to a water heater issue. The valet gentleman where amazing, minus one younger guy that avoided going to get vehicles in the cold and wanted to leave it up to the older more respectful men. When he finally did go get my vehicle, he almost slammed the door on my daughter's leg to hurry back in. The chef that cooks breakfast needs to teach the 24 hour restaurants how to make breakfast correctly. I could eat their omelets every day! Overall, it was a pretty great stay. Those that respect and admire historical value and politeness will love to stay here.

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