The Living Room Bar w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Living Room Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2440, Victory Park Lane, 75219, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-397-4100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7876621, Longitude: -96.8088923

komentarze 5

  • Alexander Karlsson

    Alexander Karlsson


    Very slow service. Went there for some nachos and drinks. Took an hour. The drinks were not so good.

  • David Pruit

    David Pruit


    Fun bar !

  • Nikki Uribe

    Nikki Uribe


  • scattershooter



    Great for afternoon happy hour if you want a quiet-ish cocktail right at 5pm. Also good meeting spot immediately before Mavs games and AAC events.

  • en

    Amanda Henson


    The drinks were decent, but i have had a nightmare with the billing. I came down from a holiday party at the W with my husband and a coworker while we waited for my coworkers kids to come from the Mavs game. We paid $25 total for our drinks, not too bad for drinks for 3 people--I have paid more. But, when I go to look on my account, I show a charge for $42.25 (before tip). Our receipt only said $25.00 (before tip). When we finally get in touch with the accounting department, they read off what is on our tab. It included our 3 drinks, another drink, a shot, and cigarettes. So after we closed out our tab and SIGNED OUR CREDIT CARD RECEIPT, they reopened our ticket and charged more things to it. Now we are going back and forth with the accounting person to get it fixed. And on top of that, I looked again today and there is ANOTHER CHARGE for over $90.00 to my account. Long story short, if you go there, pay cash! Don't bring your card. For being such an upscale hotel, and lounge, you would think they could get their stuff straight. Edit: The accounting department was VERY helpful. They worked out the issue with the overcharge. However, it concerns me that the bartender did this. It looks like he reopened our tab, added more things, and added a $50 tip. But it wasn't signed. And we had signed our ticket already. Be aware of the bartenders. But the accounting guy was great getting it fixed so quickly! His name was Matt. Nice guy you can tell actually cares.

najbliższy Bar

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