The Little Clinic i Carmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Little Clinic



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1217, South Rangeline Road, 46032, Carmel, Hamilton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 317-574-4680
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Latitude: 39.9626161, Longitude: -86.1253426

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Uribe

    Matthew Uribe


    Appointment for 2pm. Only 1 person working and wasn't seen until after 3. The 1:40 appointment ahead of us was seen at approximately 2:45. If you read these comments for advice skip this location and look elsewhere

  • Destiny



    They never answer their phone. Had a culture done about a week ago and still don't know my results because no one will call me back. Extremely frustrating and the experiences leading up to this were not pleasant either. Would not recommend friends or family members to come to this Little Clinic location.

  • Tish York

    Tish York


    This was my first and LAST time stepping into this clinic. I would give them a 0, but not possible. Went for a quick Covid test and found out when I received the bill, they charge a full office visit. The NP (Andrew Newell) was extremely rude and condescending- specifically to my 16 year old daughter. I also should mention that we waited almost an hour for our appointment and there were no other patients there.

  • Caitlin Welch

    Caitlin Welch


    Worst experience I’ve ever had. I had an appointment on Tuesday. The nurse was extremely rude, she took me back into the testing room and said “oh your not going to shut that door?” I said okay then she started ripping paper off the chair you sit in and so I was just standing there and she asked “not moving fast enough for you???!!” I said no I’m sick and I’m just standing here. The doctor also gave terrible advice telling me to call back any time. I’ve called multiple times to get my results and this morning I was told to wait a moment and then she hung up on me???

  • SP



    They were running over an hour behind. We were all sitting in lobby waiting to get rapid COVID test. Also you had to check in on touch screen. Not one time did I see any type of disinfectant wipes or anything like that. I did not feel like they were following any time of protocol to keep from passing anything on.

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