The LINQ Hotel & Casino w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneThe LINQ Hotel & Casino



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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3535, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 800-634-6441
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1181537, Longitude: -115.1724421

komentarze 5

  • KushTopia, Alaska

    KushTopia, Alaska


    Really nice place. The layout was high class all around. I would stay here many times in the future. The shopping and dining areas outside are very cool and I will say it is a lot less fast paced in the area of this hotel than the main strip. You will be able to shop comfortably unlike other hotels and malls in the area.

  • en

    Betsey Pleasants


    The Linq is our new favorite place to stay. Centralized location, easy/inexpensive parking, spacious/also inexpensive rooms, and friendly staff. The hotel itself isn’t too big so the line at the elevators isn’t bad. One of my favorite things was an adults only pool. There tends to be too many kids at other hotel pools to it’s refreshing to not worry about children. Their resort fee is also one of the cheapest on the strip!

  • Our Heroes Inc

    Our Heroes Inc


    We enjoyed our stay! We stayed 5 nights! The bed was super soft and comfy! There's not much storage space for clothes, though. That's literally my only complaint! It was affordable and right in the middle of the strip! The pool was great! If you're looking for an affordable room with luxury, then stay here! There's a full casino with like 4 restaurants inside and lots of food and shopping in walking distance.

  • en

    William Crispin


    Rode the High Roller! Fabulous view. Over 500' up at the top. Outstanding night view of the city. It is a 32 minute trip so if you want to be at the top at a particular time you need to be boarding 15 minutes ahead of the time. Also, we bought tickets at the Eiffel Tower ride and were pretty much able to walk right up to the boarding line. Also, as we were leaving, there was a long line outside for a ticket machine while right around the corner they could have just walked in the door for a much quicker purchase.

  • Wendy Hunter

    Wendy Hunter


    Great location on The Strip. Refrigerators in the room come in handy. Sliding bathroom doors seem cheap and do not filter out goings on in the bathroom. Also easy to injure your fingers so watch out. Parking is $12 per day which is reasonable for Vegas, but finding where you parked can be a nightmare. The Hash House restaurant serves up good food in very large portions.

najbliższy Kwatera

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