The Kettle Black w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Kettle Black



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8622, 3rd Avenue, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-680-7862
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6228868, Longitude: -74.0315047

komentarze 5

  • James Ramirez

    James Ramirez


    Okay brunch spot. Weirdly political place with fox news always playing and a big picture of Pat Tillman posted in the back. I try not to go to places with a strong political affiliation so ill be avoiding this place. Brunch specials were good and they had live music bit the atmosphere left a lot to be desired.

  • en

    Herman Quay


    Excellent wings and good burgers. Go on Wednesday for the wing special. Standard beer selection. Don't expect to sit around drinking beer at a table too long after eating; they will ask you to move to the bar.

  • Weichen Yan

    Weichen Yan


    Great wings and solid drinks. They make a great dirty martini and the place is very spacious. My favorite wings are the Thai ones which are sweet and super saucy 🤗 the burger is seasoned very well and the fries are very good too!

  • Elevated Discourse

    Elevated Discourse


    Great food. Average price. But was so packed you can't even walk to the bathroom. There's just not enough room for the amount of people they let in. They place great music, but there is zero room to dance!

  • Kat Chuang

    Kat Chuang


    Great neighborhood place to grab a drink with friends and eat while you’re there. It gets packed so it can take awhile to get seated. Food is delicious, however the way they cook dishes makes the textures a little unique. I was expecting crispy deep fried chicken wings covered in intense sauce for example, it seemed more like baked wings and milder sauce. The Mac and Cheese for example was gooey but not slimy with the cheese. Not bad, just a little different.. possibly healthier 😊 Service was good, they took care of us. Nice folks, and food came out pretty quick. It gets loud in there. Sports buffs would like that they have many screens on all the walls showing live games.

najbliższy Bar

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