The Joint w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Joint



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701, Mazant St, 70117, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-949-3232
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 29.9613209, Longitude: -90.0355348

komentarze 5

  • Christina C

    Christina C


    There is a very long line when you enter, however, the wait is not too long. The crew is quick and efficient. The food was hot, smelled great, and tasted good. Great stop for a cozy lunch.

  • Paola Ramos

    Paola Ramos


    Food didn't seem like a lot but it was filling. I had the brisket (it was a little dry for my taste) with two sides. Baked beans and Mac n cheese. The mac and cheese had too much flour taste like. The environment was family friendly and inviting. Long wait to get your food. In was lucky they had a table open when ingot there otherwise i would had to wait with my food in my hand or would had to take it to go.

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    Ricky Barnett


    This place did not disappoint, I did it buffet style. I got a full rack of ribs, two choose your own two Meats with pulled pork beef brisket sausage and chicken. The macaroni was to die for as well as the potato salad and baked beans. Washed that all down with an IPA. It was an early Mothers Day lunch with my Mom and bestie and it was awesome! My favorite was the ribs and the beef brisket. It was so tender and had a great smoke flavor throughout.

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    Mahnchee Pahmkeen


    The ribs are perfect. The fat in the ribs is slow cooked until it is translucent and actually melts on the tongue. Burnt ends are also a special treat. I was planning on ordering pecan pie based on the other reviews, but ended up getting another half rack of ribs. Outstanding. I'll definitely make a special trip back here next time I'm in the area.

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    Carley Haynes


    This place was great! I love getting BBQ that taste amazing before you even add sauce! Loved the coleslaw- it was pretty vinegary but I love vinegar. The potato salad- amazing! The sauces were not my favorite but generally good. I’ll definitely go again

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