The Inkan w Garden City Park

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Inkan



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2224, Jericho Turnpike, 11040, Garden City Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-741-3747
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Latitude: 40.7390306, Longitude: -73.6668591

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Singer


    The food was very good the service was absolutely the slowest and things that we ordered were given to us and we will charge for them they do need to speak somewhat better English so they can understand some of their clientele I would not go back here though the food was alright they need to do something about their service glasses with dirty the entree was brought out before the salad or the appetizers everything was discombobulated and when asked the waitress what was going on she told me they were busy you could find other Peruvian restaurants that have the same food quality and a little better service my money is just as good as anybody else's

  • en

    Nadira Mahabir


    Horrible! Me, my daughter and my husband stopped in at this place to eat. We walked in and waited, the waitress said, take one of any of those two tables. As we were pulling the chairs out, a male came around the corner and said, "these are taken, but you can sit over there, taking us to the other side, next to the bar, on a small table obviously for two people only, and putting another chair on the outside of the table. No one was seated at this section of the restaurant. Everyone was on the side where we originally was told to sit. Now, to clarify, we were decently dressed. Don't know what his problem is but he will never see me nor anyone else I know. We went to Westbury and ate at a beautiful Peruvian restaurant there. The food is the best I've ever had and the people are extremely friendly. Bye! Inkan. Hope you survive!

  • en

    Rick Royals


    Good food, my wife raves about it, it think it's good, but not great.

  • en

    Teresa Lin


    This place is hands down the best peruvian restaurant I've been to so far

  • en



    Amazing food, services very good and people very nice too.

najbliższy Bar

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