The Happy Coin en Greenwich

Estados UnidosThe Happy Coin



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418, East Putnam Avenue, 06807, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-340-9777
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0402048, Longitude: -73.5952864

comentarios 5

  • Ruthie Moskowitz

    Ruthie Moskowitz


    Chris offered me more than I was expecting for my late husbands collection of medals, as well as some old jewelry, rings and such that I don't wear or no longer fit. I believe he treated me fairly and I am grateful to him for his time. I will go back when if I can find some other items I'd like to sell.

  • Chris H

    Chris H


    I've purchased some coins here at good prices and I think of owner Chris Moran highly. He also helped a relative with an estate liquidation and appraised them fairly.

  • Avi Greenberg

    Avi Greenberg


    I was shopping across the street and found this place. I've been back a few times to sell some coins. The prices offered are fair and he takes the time to explain whats going on in the market, etc. Very respectful and I would recommend...cute dog too boot!

  • Sarah Gerecke

    Sarah Gerecke


    I was referred to Chris and Happy Coin by the attorney for my father-in-law's estate. He patiently went through a pile of coins we found in a sock and quickly but carefully sorted those with value from those that we could spend. The 1858 penny was not worth much (it was worth more than a penny but not going to pay for a vacation) while the 2-1/2 dollar gold coin was worth quite a bit more than face value. He explained three cent silver pieces and copper oxidation and other questions we had. He provided an appraisal for tax purposes. We actually might invest in purchasing old coins because Chris was such a delight.

  • Ashleigh Singer

    Ashleigh Singer


    I must say that I had a very pleasant experience at the happy coin! The owner was incredibly friendly and helpful. I highly recommend to read all reviews for local businesses, had it not been for the reviews before mine I might not have been so inclined to check out this location. I give happy coin a double thumbs out, and look forward to doing future business with them.

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