The Golden Group - Rita Golden, Esq. en Englewood Cliffs

Estados UnidosThe Golden Group - Rita Golden, Esq.



🕗 horarios

580, Sylvan Avenue, 07632, Englewood Cliffs, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-371-3305
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.885906, Longitude: -73.9476367

comentarios 5

  • Neha V

    Neha V


    She is a very nice lady and very helpful and our home ownership process went smooth with her.

  • Paul Meakem

    Paul Meakem


    Rita was Amazing to work with! She was a true professional. Knowledgeable, informative and with us from beginning to end with NO hiccups. I highly recommend her and will be using her moving forward without question!

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    Mayer Weber


    Rita is great! We don't sit down at a closing without Rita! She is an attorney you can rely on!

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    Amanda Fernandes


    I am so glad we had Rita working for us when we bought our first house last month. She was on top of everything and ensured that the sellers lived up to their responsibilities in a timely fashion. She guided us through the process, answered our many questions quickly and everything was smooth sailing at the closing. She was friendly, courteous and very responsive! Loved working with her and would gladly do so again!

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    Ashley Dee


    Rita is the best! She helped me close on my first house. She was attentive, detail-oriented, and made everything as pleasant as possible. I would whole-heartedly recommend her EVERY TIME! You couldn't find a better lawyer if you tried.

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