The Fire Side Public House w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Fire Side Public House



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6290, Broad St, 15206, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-661-9900
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.460424, Longitude: -79.919386

komentarze 5

  • Dana Whatley Smith

    Dana Whatley Smith


    Awesomely delicious! You know the food is good when there are NO salt and pepper shakers on the table. You don't need them. Everything is perfectly seasoned I love the unique flavor combinations. I can't wait to come back with my husband and try the wings!

  • Gayle Temple

    Gayle Temple


    The food has unique flavors, the quality is amazing, and there are great drinks (nice special cocktail menu and a huge beer menu). Staff is super friendly too. My favorite so far has been the queso burger!

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    Sam Myers


    One of the best spots in my opinion for beers and food. Their happy hour offers desirable prices on food and Pennsylvania draft beer. The service is always solid and the atmosphere is real nice with a wood fired stove and large glass windows to watch freight trains pass by.

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    B Allen


    Its like hidden gem. The menu is very "urban-hipster". The onion rigs with beer cheese is amazing!! Good for large groups and high-table dates... Like a cozy "out place" atmosphere. Food options are uniquely delicious.

  • Arthur Alexander

    Arthur Alexander


    On a Saturday night, my wife and I, alongside friends decided to experiment the Fire Side Public House's service and food. The staff was super kind during our time in the establishment although a few small issues happened during our stay. That night, they didn't have some of the beer options, as informed by their staff while we browsed through their menu and my choice of beer came watered given a keg coming to its end. In both situations, their team came up to our table to apologize for the inconvenience, followed a by a frequent check in to see if everything was alright. Other than that, it was a great experience. If you're looking for an excellent place to have drinks and food while chatting with friends, that's an option to consider in East Liberty.

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